Oak Apple Toffee 7*M(pending)

V++V 84

We had so much fun showing this year. Our first show of the year Toffee took home Reserve Champion. Our very first win and it was with our girl that was our very first ADGA registered goat. It just made it all the more special. Toffee has matured nicely since last year. We can't wait until her next appraisal to see how her score improves.

Toffee had an impressive first freshening udder. It was not only very soft and pilable but her longer teats made it easy to hand milk. She eaisly earned her milk star in all three categories (volume, butterfat and protein). I really appreciate her long body well put together legs. She earned an E in her rear legs for 2022 Linear Apprasial. She comes from very strong dairy lines and I can't wait to see how she matures in her second freshening.